I’m having passionate sex with my brother-in-law though I love my husband

I’M having passionate sex with my brother-in-law though I love my husband dearly and I don’t want to hurt him.I first had a fling with my husband’s elder brother three years ago just after my husband and I got engaged.He is a sexy guy and a demanding lover — such a turn on — but we nearly got caught so I managed to resist him after that. Until now.I am 23 and my husband is 24. We had a little girl six months ago and have been blissfully happy.

We are doing up our cottage. My brother-in-law has a plumbing business and came round for a few days to install our central heating.
One morning we had a coffee when the baby had a sleep and suddenly found ourselves kissing. I managed to stop him going further then but the next day I couldn’t resist and we had sex, as I knew we would. He says he thinks about me all the time and I drive him wild. He is 30 and has been married for five years and has two kiddies.
I told him it must never happen again and part of me feels terribly guilty.
My husband trusts me. He is gentle, sweet and loving, and the other guy is a more demanding lover. I think about him all the time, even when me and my husband are having sex.


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