A MUM-TO-BE has captured the amazing moment her baby rolls over inside her womb.While many expecting mums are able to see their unborn babies moving around by the third trimester of pregnancy, this is less common in the final month of pregnancy due to the lack of space.However, one mum has managed to capture an incredible video of her unborn baby girl rolling around at 39 weeks.In a video posted on YouTube, the mum-to-be is seen relaxing on a sofa in pyjamas with her baby bump in full view of the camera.Her baby can then clearly be seen moving under her skin as the tot starts to squirm inside her mother’s womb.“Ah, she's starting”, the woman is heard saying, before the shape of her baby's arms and legs start to become obvious.The baby continues fidget around and eventually can clearly be seen completely rolling over.The legs and feet of the babe become visible as she pushes out and proceeds to flip herself over.
The captivating video has now achieved over a whopping 5.4 million views on YouTube, leaving thousands of viewers in awe at the amazing footage.One woman wrote: “That was so amazing to see, on so many levels that I'm still processing it. Can you imagine how awesome it will be for the person to see a video of themselves moving around in the belly. Wow! Thank you for sharing.”Another added: “This is literally the coolest thing I have seen in my entire life. It's so surreal to feel your baby moving inside! but it's such a blessing!”“Aww momma! That looks so painful! big hugs and best wishes with your baby! Hope you're both well!”, wrote another.
However, while many were touched by the footage, others were left slightly unnerved by the video.A fellow mother-to-be wrote: “Not sure if this was a good idea to watch... I'm 28 weeks preggo with twins and even though it's not like that I can already see some the movements and they move a ton [sic].”
Another woman added: “That was insane! Must've been born big! Mine never looked like that! Wow!”
“Anyone get a little creeped out? I mean it’s cool and stuff don’t get me wrong”, someone else wrote.
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