Tips ,Things Every Woman Should Own By the Time She Is 30

Like most women, I spent the majority of my twenties spending money on things that really had no value or staying power. Cheap food, cheap clothes, and cheap dates you get the theme here, right? 
But something happened around 26 and 27--I realized that I was working so hard for my cash that I might as well spend it on things that I could use and treasure forever. And I have to say, now that I'm 31 I'm so happy that I changed my ways. I now have so many items that I've had for years--and so many of them have sentimental value and special memories that make them even more meaningful.

So for all you young women in your twenties, heed my advice. Before you turn 30, make sure you've invested in the following 30 items. You'll be so happy you did.


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