Rukwa Region,PCCB holds three over 155m/- property theft

THE country’s anti-graft watchdog, the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Rukwa Region, has arrested three senior officials of Kalambo District Council for allegedly embezzling 155m/-, property of the government.The officials include District Executive Director Benson Kilangi, Acting District Council Treasurer, Josephat Msenene, and District Council Internal Auditor, Charles Ngakonda. The arrest of the officials was made possible after Rukwa Regional Commissioner Zelothe Steven handed them over to PCCB officials at a press conference held in his office.According to Steven, more than 155m/- was allocated to Kalambo District Council during the 2014/2015 financial year being other charges (OC) out of which 8,499,000/- were meant for teachers leave arrears.It all started during Sunday’s May Day celebrations held at regional level at Matai town, headquarters of Kalambo District where the Regional Commissioner was represented by District Commissioner Wilman Ndile.

It was at that gathering that aggrieved teachers holding placards accused Kilangi of embezzling over 8.4m/- being their leave arrears. “I cannot tolerate such misconduct... I hereby hand over the DED (Kilangi) and two senior officials to PCCB for thorough investigation,” the Regional Commissioner declared.

He ordered Kilangi to ensure that the said amount of leave arrears is immediately paid to teachers while investigations on the matter continues.

Meanwhile, the Regional Commissioner told journalists here that the former Kalambo District Council Treasurer Juma Kisowile has been suspended from duty pending investigations over the embezzling 8.4m/-.

He said former Kalambo DED Filbert Ngaponda has been transferred to another district.


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