Specialist needed to Improve HEALTH management teams

HEALTH management teams in the country need special capacity building to address properly the administration. An Assistant Lecturer in Development Studies Department at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Mr Vedasto Hamza, said a study he conducted showed lack of the much-needed skills.
Presenting his findings at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) here, Mr Hamza said the situation has caused poor performance by the staff.
The lecturer said an illustrative example was found in Iringa, Mufindi and Kilolo district councils and measures needed to be taken to address the situation.
He advised the government to review its policy and put in place a plan to run capacity building sessions for every district. He was sure such a measure would result in good performance to avail quality services for patients.
Mr Hamza said district councils needed to do more in cooperation with the ministry responsible for health, as the councils seemed to be somewhat passive in the sector.


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