FORMER First Lady Mama Maria Nyerere yesterday visited the Nyerere Bridge says ‘dream come true’

FORMER First Lady Mama Maria Nyerere yesterday visited the Nyerere Bridge, which links Kigamboni Creek and Kurasini where she praised the government and people of Tanzania for implementing the modern overpass in East and Central Africa.
Mama Maria, widow to the founding father of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, was accompanied by one of her children, Mr Makongoro Nyerere, a Tanzanian Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).
“Completion of the 254.12bn/- bridge has accomplished the long-standing plan by Mwalimu, who had envisioned constructing an overpass but was held back by limited funds then,” Mama Maria was quoted saying in a statement issued by the Directorate of Presidential Communications yesterday.

She went on to hail President John Magufuli for naming the bridge after the founding father, noting that the decision will allow future generations to appreciate the role played by Mwalimu in building the country.

“I commend President Magufuli for his decision. The bridge was to be named after him (Dr Magufuli), but God guided him to decide otherwise for the sake of reminiscing where we came from.

My family and indeed Tanzanians are greatly honoured. The future generations will be able to understand the history of this country through the Nyerere Bridge,” she remarked.

The outstanding 680-metres long, 32 metres wide Nyerere Bridge boasts of six-lanes in addition to 2.5 kilometres of aproach roads on both ends. It was launched by President Magufuli last week.


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