PRESIDENT John Magufuli has sent a message of condolences to his Kenyan

PRESIDENT John Magufuli has sent a message of condolences to his Kenyan counterpart, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, following the death of former First Lady Lucy Kibaki who died on Tuesday in London, United Kingdom.
The president said he had learnt of the death of the former First Lady with deep sorrow, adding that Kenya has lost a very important person who played a key role in the development of the neighbouring country.
“Through you, Mr President, I would like to convey my condolences to former President Mwai Kibaki, his family, brothers, relatives and friends of all those affected by this big tragedy”, he wrote.
Mama Lucy died while being treated at Bupa Cromwell Hospital in London.
She was admitted to Nairobi Hospital last month after first undergoing treatment at Gertrude’s Hospital in the Kenyan capital’s Muthaiga suburb.


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